“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” — Michael (Quote 1)
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
— Michael (Quote 1)
“Wisdom is to keep quite rather than speaking to prove yourself wise to the unwise.” — Christopher Hitchens (Quote 2)
“Wisdom is to keep quite rather than speaking to prove yourself wise to the unwise.”
— Christopher Hitchens (Quote 2)
“Life is of two days, One day in your favor and other day against you. In the favoring day donot be proudy and in the tough day be patient”
“Save yourself from a hungry good guy, and a full of stomach bad buy ” — Hitchens (Quote 4)
“Save yourself from a hungry good guy, and a full of stomach bad buy ”
— Hitchens (Quote 4)
“Always speak the truth, so you never have to swear” — Mola Ali (Quote 5)
“Always speak the truth, so you never have to swear”
— Mola Ali (Quote 5)
“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone...” — David M. Holt (Quote 6)
“Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone...”
— David M. Holt (Quote 6)
Kamran HaiderCEO DnnGraphics
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